Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH
Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH

    Issue #3 - Faith - ENGLISH

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    The third issue of 'La nueva carne' revolves around the concept of faith.

    It is hard to decide: either we are facing the most superficial, prosaic and materialistic era in history, or we are living in particularly mystical, transcendental and magical times. On the one hand, God is dead. On the other hand, we feel closer than ever to becoming him: inventing worlds out of nothing in the metaverse, achieving immortality thanks to transhumanism and even giving birth to a new deity in our own image and likeness through artificial intelligence.

    Be that as it may, whether by excess or defect, faith is a critical and at the same time invisible issue. That is why in our third number we raise our eyes to the cosmos, we open the doors of perception and we even sanctify ourselves to come face to face with the most unfathomable part of our spirit. Whether you believe us or not is a matter of faith.

    With Amador Fernández-SavaterDavid Dees, Ana Galvañ, Enrique Rey, Adriana Royo, Iris Wang, Patri di Filippo, Alejandro Zambudio, Maria Gelpí and more.