Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)
Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)

    Issue #2 - Beauty (ENGLISH)

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    *Spanish edition out of print, only available in English.


    *Please check the language buttons before ordering.

    Guy Debord wrote that "where reality is transformed into simple images, simple images become reality". The phrase would still be accurate if we substituted "reality" with "beauty".

    The digital revolution has turned the experience of beauty into something eminently visual, consumable and quantifiable, into something simple and pleasurable, into a mere like, qualities that could not be further from the grandiose ideas of beauty that artists and thinkers have contributed throughout history.

    Are we facing the end of beauty or rather its profound redefinition? In the second issue of 'La nueva carne', we activate the front camera in search of beauty. Without filters.

    With Elisa Victoria, Patri di Filippo, Mario Klingemann, Alejandro Zambudio, Roc Herms, Adriana Royo, Maria Gelpi and more.