issue #5

An analog magazine about the changes that human beings are undergoing in the digital era.

Our memory shapes technology and technology shapes our memory. A symbiotic relationship whose edges we explore in our fifth issue.

With Erik Kessels, Eudald Espluga, Lulu Lin, Tilman Hornig, Janira Planes, Manel Cano, Álvaro Pajares, Maria Gelpí, Matias Romano and more.


Times change. The human being, too. 'La nueva carne' is a magazine
to become aware of the changes that the digital, like a capricious god,
causes us and at the same time does not allow us to assimilate because we are too immersed in it.
That is why we publish it on paper, so that you can read it in a slow and attentive way,
free of clickbait and bubble filter. 'La nueva carne' is a project of Fuego Camina Conmigo,
independent digital creative agency based in Barcelona.

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